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Beim ersten Start erstellt Quartz automatisch eine Konfigurationsdatei namens config im .quartz Ordner.

Die Konfiguration erfolgt über Umgebungsvariablen, die mit dem Präfix QUARTZ_ beginnen.
Die genauen Umgebungsvariablen, die möglichen Werte und die Standardwerte werden in den Kommentaren der Konfigurationsdatei erklärt.


Im Folgenden ist eine unveränderte Konfigurationsdatei wie sie Quartz v1.0.0 beim ersten Start generiert.

# This is /home/jake/.quartz/config and is read by the quartz command.
# You can edit this file.
# Lines beginning with '#' are ignored.
# If this file is missing it will automatically be regenerated on the next
# execution of the quartz command.
# Quartz uses environment variables for configuration, thus you do not need to
# set these variables in this file here, but it is recommended to do so.
# You can alternatively set these variables in any file that environment
# variables are read from (e.g. /etc/profile, ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile,
# ~/.bashrc) or temporarily via the export command from your shell.
# Though variables set in this file here will override variables read from the
# external environment.
# The only variable you CANNOT set in this file here is QUARTZ_DIR as it
# is used when determining the location of this file.
# QUARTZ_DIR specifies the working directory of the quartz command.
# This directory is used to store and read
# - the files you create and use inside of the Quartz VM,
# - this configuration file,
# - various logs, states and internal files.
# By default it will be set to either $XDG_DATA_HOME/.quartz or ~/.quartz.
# The current value of QUARTZ_DIR is "/home/jake/.quartz".

# The release version of the quartz system files that quartz should use or
# download if missing.
# (TODO link documentation)
# The default is determined by the value stored in the installed quartz
# executable, or "unknown" if not known.
# Default: "1.0.0"

# The amount of RAM the VM should use.
# See also the -m option in man:qemu-system-riscv64(1).
# Default: "1.9G"

# The number of lines of the VMs TTY that should be shown
# while waiting for the Quartz VM to boot.
# Set to 0 to disable showing any lines at all.
# Default: "5"

# The port quartz should listen to on the host for its internal ssh
# communication between host (your pc) and guest (the Quartz VM).
# Default: 22222

# The number of seconds quartz should wait between checking if an active ssh
# connection to the VM exists. If before and after the waittime no ssh
# connection is found, the VM will automatically shutdown.
# Set to 0 to disable automatically shutting down the VM.
# You can also temporairly disable autoshutdown inside of the VM by deleting
# /tmp/quartz-autoshutdown-enabled.
# Default: 20

# The name of the screen session where the VM should run in.
# You can also access the session directly and thus the TTY of the VM via:
# screen -r "quartz"
# See also man:screen(1).
# Default: "quartz"

################################## ADVANCED ###################################
# The following settings are advanced and shouldn't be relevant for most users.

# Whether debug output should be enabled.
# Anything other than "true" will disable this option.
# Note: Some debug messages may be printed BEFORE the config is loaded, so
# you may want to set the environment variable before you start quartz.
# Default: "false"

# The name of the ssh command that should be used to connect to the VM.
# Default: "ssh"

# The name of the command that should be used to start the VM.
# Default: "qemu-system-riscv64"

# The name of the screen command.
# Default: "screen"

# The path of the log file of the VMs TTY on the host system.
# The path can either be absolute or relative to the quartz working directory.
# Default: "serial.log"

# The timeout in seconds quartz should use for the internal ssh connection.
# See also ConnectTimeout in man:ssh_config(5).
# Default: 10000

# Extra arguments that should be added to the qemu command.
# Default: ""

# Extra arguments that should be added to the ssh command.
# Quartz will automatically append " -t -t " to this variable, if it is used
# for the interactive shell.
# Default: ""

# The command that should be used for starting the interactive shell inside
# the VM.
# Default: "/bin/bash -l"
#QUARTZ_SHELL_CMD="/bin/bash -l"